Hello everyone, a lot of new faces here this week. I am so so thankful that you read this letter! As a holiday treat…. and don’t get used to this… I made the NYC Beauty and Wellness Black Book free for everyone. Merry Christmas.
Some news:
Give the gift of Dimes Square for Christmas. Dimes, the Lower East Side restaurant, quietly launched home brand Semi-d. “Semi-D is an abbreviation of the architectural term “semi-detached”, Dimes backwards, and a new outlet for exploring various mediums beyond food.” Their pepper mills are so unique and they’re in everyone’s house, so I’m excited to see what else they create.
Under eye skin care is booming. The under eye skin care category has exploded since 2020, thanks to work-from-home skincare routines hitting overdrive (and eye patches being very Instagrammable). But now celebrities are starting to wear them in public (people have already been wearing them on planes for years, if that counts as public). This should be pretty unsurprising considering people wear bright yellow stars on their pimples. The global eye skin care market is projected to be worth $19.2B in 2023 and is expected to reach $35.5B by 2033.
Dieux Skin, Topicals, 4am Skin, and Rare Beauty