It's smart to launch a perfume newsletter right now.
I texted Dirt's CEO this morning about the decision.
Good morning everyone. I hope you’re having a nice week. Today’s letter includes a Marc Andreessen address change, a newsletter dedicated to perfume, and the Apple’s partnership with The Real Real.
I heard that Molly Baz is launching a condiment brand this year. One source said mayo, another said “Caesar”.
USC is hiring a self-care professor. The class is described as, “Foundational examination of beauty, personal care and wellness industries through brand strategy, promotion, advertising, social media and influencer marketing.” I’m confused why they aren’t calling this a beauty marketing course.
Why are there two new focaccia places in my neighborhood? Focaccia is 1. Cheap to make, 2. Fun to put toppings on, 3. Feels more adult and dare I say.. healthy… than pizza. It’s also delicious. (Little Honey has become a regular spot for me).